.. _how-to_configure-dev-env: Configure development environment ================================= Snoweb SVG works with : - `Django `_ - `SASS `_ Install dependencies -------------------- To configure your development environment, run the following : :: git clone git@github.com:Aleksi44/snoweb-svg.git pip install -r requirements.txt npm install Configure Django ---------------- To configure Django, run the following : :: # Configure database python manage.py migrate # Import all collections python manage.py svg_build Run --- 1 - Run Django server with Makefile or manually :: # With Makefile make start # Manually python manage.py runserver 2 - Run Webpack server :: npm run start With these commands, you have these services available : - **SVG App** = test and view collections : ``http://localhost:8080/`` Test ---- Run Django test :: python manage.py test Code style ---------- - Python : ``flake8`` - SASS : ``npm run stylelint``